
M  8:00 - 6:00

T   9:30 - 6:00

W  1:30 - 6:00

Th 9:30 - 6:00

F   8:00 - 6:00

Bright Eye Care &
Vision Development

Dizziness and Vision

One in three people will experience dizziness during their lifetime. Causes of dizziness, vertigo and imbalance are varied. Vision is one of the major sensory systems affecting balance. Visual stimuli can cause symptoms of dizziness and vertigo. Treatment of visual skills dysfunctions can improve dizziness symptoms. Below is a list of symptoms that indicate that visual skills may be contributing to a person's struggle with dizziness or balance disorders.  If you have four or more of these symptoms, then schedule a visually-induced dizziness examination on our Appointments page. Visual skills that affect balance involves more than a person's ability to see 20/20.

O Reading while in a moving car causes dizziness, nausea or headache

O Riding in the backseat of a car causes dizziness, nausea or headache

O Sitting really close to a movie screen causes dizziness, nausea or headache

O Watching a moving train or car go by causes dizziness, nausea or headache

O Store lights seem too bright

O Need to wear sunglasses even on cloudy days

O Extremely sensitive to lights

O Frequent headaches or sensation of pressure in your head

O Moving through a crowd of people causes dizziness, nausea or headache

O Shopping at a crowded mall causes dizziness, nausea or headache

O Unusual fear of heights

O Clumsy; falls and bumps into things often

O Lose your place easily when reading

O Unsteadiness when walking or standing

O Symptoms worse in the dark or with eyes closed

O Moving along supermarket aisles causes dizziness, nausea or headache